What is Boxprophet?

Boxprophet is a business intelligence app that predicts the demand (throughput) of container ports


Innovative features

Container demand forecasting in TEUs and tonnes
Several temporal horizons
Quarterly, yearly, and monthly projections
Geographical scope
By port or terminal, port range, and country
State of the art methodology
Using the latest advances in forecasting, ML, and econometrics
Powered by propietary databases
Under the hood, Boxprophet collates macroeconomic and throughput data to inform the predictions
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Differential added value

A new port-focused solution that addresses a market gap
Scenario analysis
Automated forecasts
State of the art methodology
Using the latest advances in forecasting, ML, and econometrics
Ensamble forecasting options
To improve the accuracy of the predictions
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Boxprophet provides intelligence for strategic planning

What will be the demand of my port next year? and in 2030?
Should I expand the capacity of my container terminals?
What are the relationships between the ports of my port range?
How resilient is my port if the capacity decreases suddenly?
What is the demand risk for investors?
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Impact on the logistic-port sector

What will be the demand of my port next year? and in 2030?
Should I expand the capacity of my container terminals?
What are the relationships between the ports of my port range?
How resilient is my port if the capacity decreases suddenly?
What is the demand risk for investors?
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Potential clients

Port authorities
Terminal operators
Shipping lines
Insurance companies
Investment banks
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